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7 to 9 yrs Old

7 to 9 yrs Old

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Showing 61–65 of 65 results

  • rayQuick view

    The Plano Adventures (Book 2):...

    Suitable for emerging readers, The Plano Adventures series are fun early chapter books on the exciting adventures of Professor Plano as he defeats Lord Myopic with the help of his adorable twin sidekicks. Myopia, or short-sightedness, device dependency and lack of outdoor activity are public health concerns worldwide. The stories from this series are based on scientific research and were written specially to empower young readers to tackle the adverse effects of excessive device use.
  • cyburgsQuick view

    The Plano Adventures (Book 4):...

    Suitable for emerging readers, The Plano Adventures series are fun early chapter books on the exciting adventures of Professor Plano as he defeats Lord Myopic with the help of his adorable twin sidekicks. Myopia, or short-sightedness, device dependency and lack of outdoor activity are public health concerns worldwide. The stories from this series are based on scientific research and were written specially to empower young readers to tackle the adverse effects of excessive device use.
  • troubleQuick view

    The Plano Adventures (Book 1):...

    Suitable for emerging readers, The Plano Adventures series are fun early chapter books on the exciting adventures of Professor Plano as he defeats Lord Myopic with the help of his adorable twin sidekicks. Myopia, or short-sightedness, device dependency and lack of outdoor activity are public health concerns worldwide. The stories from this series are based on scientific research and were written specially to empower young readers to tackle the adverse effects of excessive device use.
  • outoforderQuick view

    The Plano Adventures (Book 5):...

    Suitable for emerging readers, The Plano Adventures series are fun early chapter books on the exciting adventures of Professor Plano as he defeats Lord Myopic with the help of his adorable twin sidekicks. Myopia, or short-sightedness, device dependency and lack of outdoor activity are public health concerns worldwide. The stories from this series are based on scientific research and were written specially to empower young readers to tackle the adverse effects of excessive device use.
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    Dog Man: Lord of the...

    Dog Man is called into action and this time he isn't alone. With a cute kitten and a remarkable robot by his side, our heroes must save the day by joining forces with an unlikely ally: Petey, the World's Most Evil Cat.